Lots of fun (and mess!) to be had at Messy Church once again – this time looking at the story of Joseph – followed by delicious risotto curtesy of our excellent catering team.
Messy Church – Bread of Life
Who knew you could do so many things with bread? A great time was had by all at Messy Church on Sunday.
Messy Church – The Good Shepherd
Another great Messy Church today with lots of fun activities themed around “The Good Shepherd”. It was excellent to have our new minister, Michael, lead us during the celebration. And it was all rounded off with a lovely hot meal at the end. Thanks to all the organisers!
Messy Church – Easter
Marble runs, egg decorating, chocolate nests and much more – great fun was had by all at our Easter Messy Church today.
Messy Church – Lighting up the Darkness
Today’s Messy Church had lots of fun “Lighting up the darkness”.
Messy Church – What a Wonderful World
Another fun Messy Church today, on the theme of “What a Wonderful World”.
Messy Church – Mothers and Others
On 23 March 2014 Messy Church considered “Mothers and Others” in advance of Mothering Sunday using the story of 12-year-old Jesus staying behind in the temple in Jerusalem.
Messy Church – Calming the Storm
Another great Messy Church on 19 January. Lots of crafts, games and songs themed around the story of Jesus calming the storm followed by some excellent food.
Messy Church – Feeding the 5000
We had a great first Messy Church today based on the feeding of the 5000. Here are a few snapshots.