
Our Sunday 10.30am services are being held as hybrid in-person/Zoom services. Refreshments are served after the service. For details of how to join online, please contact us.

On the fourth Sunday of every month (except December) we hold a Taizé-style service at 6.30pm. This is usually preceded by a music practice at 6.00pm which you are welcome to attend if you want to practice some of the chants in advance of the service. See our What to expect: Taizé-style services post to find out more about what these services are like.

We also hold mid-week services via Zoom at 8.00pm on Wednesdays. For details of how to join, please contact us.


The Junior Church participates in the first part of the morning service and then leaves for its own activities. Those with very young children or babies are welcome to remain in the main service or join the Junior Church, as they wish. Sound and images are relayed to the narthex area at the back of the church behind the glass doors if you would like to follow the main service in an area where your baby can move, play and make a noise without disturbing others.


During communion services the Junior Church begins with its own activities and then joins the main service for communion. We celebrate communion using grape juice (not wine) and gluten-free bread. Everyone is invited to join in the celebration of communion.

All Together Services

These are our quarterly all age worship services which can take on a range of different formats, but usually include some element of  participation through prayer stations or discussions alongside hymns/songs, prayers and readings.

Future Services

2 February 202510.30amRev Patrick Stonehewer
All Together Service
9 February 202510.30amClare Campion-Smith
16 February 202510.30amRev Patrick Stonehewer
Communion Serivce with Baptism
23 February 202510.30am
John Wing
Taizé-style service