“As far as I can see, a labyrinth is a complex maze-like path,” explained Kenneth, who had been doing his research. “Furthermore, if you are suggesting that it’s like the journey of life, then it would need dead ends and bifurcations.” Of course, he is right. Yet the labyrinth which is now on the floor at Victoria Methodist Church provides an opportunity of practicing the presence of the God who is always with us, indeed ‘in whom we live and move and have our being’.
So, call in to the church. For the next 4 weeks (27 Jan – 24 Feb) we’re open Monday through Saturday 12-2pm, 5-7pm Wednesday evenings, and – of course – on Sundays around worship. And if you’re wondering what those amazing paintings are behind, the church is full of artwork, including 4 works from the Methodist Modern Art Collection. The whole exhibition is entitled ‘Identity as Resistance’ and includes work by an Iranian refugee, an Egytian photographer and local schools.
More from Richard’s blog ‘The bright field’ here.